Joyce Meyer Book Review: Battlefield of the mind and how it helped me to achieve success with a positive mind

One of the biggest things I feared growing up was failure. I was scared of failing and being a disappointment to people. No one taught me how NOT to fail. My family instilled in me to get good grades and be respectful to others. They never told me the purpose behind it. I felt like their advice got me no where as far as having a positive mind. It prevented me from doing right and wrong, but it never expanded my mindset. As I got older I started exploring other options for myself to becoming better and finding out myself. Im a person who likes to help others and is always caring, so I wanted to find other influential people in the field. One day when I was online, I had a very overwhelming week and needed some encouragement. I started watching one of my now favorite influential and spiritual speakers Joyce Meyer. I was so into her sermons I became addicted and started watching them everyday. One of the topics she talked about was called battlefield of the mind which talk about positive thinking and overcoming negative thought patterns which is the battlefield of your mind. I was so fascinated by it I bought her book. Her book battlefield of the mind has helped me in so many ways with overcoming my anxiety and depression. I also made a video below with how the book has helped me and how it can help you too. Check out my video below and subscribe to my youtube channel 🙂

Joyce Meyer Book Review   

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